Monday, January 13, 2020

New Year, New District

January 13, 2020

ჩემო ძვირფასებო კარგებო,

First of all, Happy New Year! Yes it is New Year again, today here in Georgia. That must mean we need some cool changes, right?  We had some cool changes in this past week. The largest of them all was the leaving of our dearest Elder Healey. He left a couple weeks earlier than the rest of the Elders in his group which is saddening. I really looked up to Elder Healey when he was Assistant to the Mission President as well as a district leader, and just an all around good missionary. He wasn't super at the language, but he knows how things are supposed to run. He knows the Doctrine and church history, and although he can be stubborn at times, I have a great love and respect for him.  As a result of his departure, Elder Herr is now being trained by Elder Layton in the southern branch. This now means a couple other things. First, it means that mine and Elder Nilsson's area has expanded to include Temka AND Saburtalo. Second, it means that we are in a district of four. Us two plus the sisters. Third, it means that we need a new District leader, so that responsibility falls on me. This doesn't actually mean that much since there are no other Elders in the district, but it should be a good time in district council meeting. I expect we will become even more productive now. 

The new District

Elder Crapo, Elder Christensen, Elder Fisher, Elder Nilsson

In case you want to know what bread looks like in Georgia

We had a good time last Tuesday at the Christmas celebrations. There was a parade that starts near one of the metro stops and goes up to Sameba, the giant orhtodox church.  There was the whole shabang. An elephant float that represents the elephant that Mary rode to Bethlehem on, music playing, priests spraying people with holy water... you know... that kind of stuff. It was a good time.
Georgian Christmas Day (January 7)

Sameba, giant Georgian Orthodox Church
Georgian Zone minus Elder Hunt and Elder Layton

This week, we also had Mission Leadership Council (MLC). They held it in Georgia this time, so we hosted some of the Armenia leadership. Two of the Zone Leaders, Elders Moline and Tweed stayed with us for a night. They were great. We split with them and met with some Georgians. I decided to meet with two ladies that only know Georgian and Russian to test my Georgian skills. It went pretty dang well. They asked Elder Tweed what languages he knew. Luckily, I know the words for Armenian, Greek, and Hebrew. 

Now that I have more time, I can jump into my summary of the Articles of Faith. I do not remember where we left off, but I will go with the third one this week. It reads, "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel." 

Now, the notion of being saved by grace alone is fairly common. We hold this notion to be incorrect. Because of what Christ did for us, all of God's children are able to return and live with Him. We believe that all people that die, will be resurrected, that is, be reunited with a perfected form of our physical body. We will have a perfect body and live forever. This is immortality. But as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that immortality is not the end goal, for it is everyone that will be resurrected and obtain immortality. The second piece to this is Eternal Life. This is the life that God has.  Not living with God, Our Eternal Father, but being like He is. That is right, we teach in our church that as children of God, we have a divine heritage and the potential to become as God is.  None of this is possible, however, without the sacrifice of God's Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  In my last email in which I discussed an article of faith, I touched on our belief that humans are not born with sin, but because we live in a fallen world, temptation and sin are all around.  We all do sin. We can however overcome that through Christ, but only through faith.  Faith in Christ is the first step, but that is not all.  We must follow God's commands. We must perform ordinances (sacred rites and ceremonies) and keep covenants (promises with God).  

We will discuss the necessary principles and ordinances of the gospel with the fourth article of faith.  But I will leave you with this.  This life is all about progression towards eternal life.  Our existence is about that.  We are all supposed to be better people, and we can do that with Christ as our example, and as our mediator with our Heavenly Father.

Well, I cannot think of much more to say.  Georgia is cool.  The language is tough. I love you all. And that is enough.  Anyway.

--უხუცესი ფიშერი

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