Monday, March 9, 2020

The Book of Mormon plus Learning and Teaching the Small Things

March 9, 2020

Good news!

 This week not much happened, but something monumental did happen. We finally got the first unofficial, church-approved printed copy of the Book of Mormon translated into Georgian! We got it printed into four volumes and we're going to library it out to members and people we are teaching as they are ready to read it. This is for people who don't like reading on their phone or computer. 

 Oldest known Georgian writing (dating back to the first century B.C.)

 The Plan of Salvation written backwards. The sisters taught a lesson via skype and they had to write that whole thing backwards. It's pretty impressive. There is one picture of the backwards board, then one taken with the front facing camera with Sister Reynolds, there to claim credit.

Me with an American family's dog.

 Lately, I have pondered a great deal about teaching. We all come across times in our lives when we are in the position to teach something. Sometimes it is obvious. One may be in a position of leadership. One may be a parent. One might be an actual teacher by profession. But too often do we miss those tiny opportunities to teach. They arise and we let them pass by. Leadership amongst missionaries is always young. We have our mission president and his wife, but all other leadership is other missionaries. Really there is a leader for every two missionaries. One missionary is a senior companion and the other is a junior. The other positions of leadership are Trainer, District Leader, Zone Leader, Sister Training Leader, and Assistant to the President. In reality, half the mission is leading the other half. So, why is it that they/we are so bad at teaching? I couldn't tell you. But I want to do better and I want everyone to do better. Look for times to stop and teach. Ask questions to those you teach. Do not let ignorance prevail when you have the position and knowledge to end the ignorance. But most importantly do it in love and meekness. That's a whole other topic. Meekness, what a good Christlike attribute. Anyway, I ask you all to teach and learn, ანუ ისწავლეთ და ასწავლეთ! (That is, learn and teach!)

 უხუცესი ფიშერი

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