Monday, August 26, 2019

Do You Like Georgain Girls?

August 26, 2019
“Do You Like Georgian Girls?”

       Hello to you all once again!  What a time to be in თბილისი!  It's hot.   Roads are closed for Fast and Furious 9.  People aren't outside in the middle of the day.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.  And sometimes people are willing to talk about it.   We had some good success this week.  We met with some new friends and some old ones.  We had a goal to get four people to church this week.  We got six.   And that was just from our area.   The other areas in the branch got some people to come as well. This is extremely unusual.  We all had very high goals set this week, and everyone was pretty skeptical that we would all meet them, but we did well.  
       My language abilities are progressing.   Apparently, in this area,  it is really hard to find people to teach in Georgian.  Either they don't know Georgian or they would rather speak English.  Elder Hunt tells me that we have been teaching more Georgian people than normal in this area.  I can usually get the very basic baseline idea of each conversation and I can usually get quite a few individual words.   We have a few people we meet with that really want to help me learn as much as I can.   Georgians are so great.   They also really want me to marry a Georgian girl, which means I need to learn better Georgian so I can.  
       People always think I'm somehow related to Bobby Fisher the chess player.  As a result, I now know a word that most of the other missionaries don't know.   Chess.  People also are really interested when I tell them I'm from Alaska.  It's surprising how many people know about Alaska here.  They all know that it's very cold.  We did run into somebody that thought America had to give Alaska back to Russia soon because they thought America only bought it for 180 years or something.   Really interesting. 
       Our friend, Luka, owns a TV channel that helps small businesses.  He really likes the missionaries and has had them do voiceovers for him.  He really likes Elder Hunt, so we did a little TV spot for him explaining what TV 24 does.   What a great service project!  Luka is also hosting the Mission President, and doing an interview with him.  It'll be great to have the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints be more recognizable here in Georgia.  It's so small and it'll be great to have people know more about who we are and what the missionaries here in Georgia do. 
       We use the Book of Mormon so much here.   After over a decade of not being able to use the Book of Mormon, the missionaries here have been anxious to talk about it more.  The last step is getting it printed,  but it may be another long while.  I placed my first Book of Mormon this week to our new friend Tamazi.  It was a Russian copy,  but that's what we have.  English,  Farsi, and Russian.  When we get the chance,  we show people the Book of Mormon online and have them read the introduction.  We always tell them it's a great book and that we love it.  It really is good and it's worth reading over and over again.  When you actually take the time to read and ponder over it you can gain great insights.   This week I shared a verse with a member.  Ether 12:17.  This isn't the normal verse that is quoted from Ether 12, but I thought it would be good for this member.  It discusses how only after we demonstrate faith can miracles, such as John and the three Nephite disciples of Christ living until the Second Coming, take place.  We need to recognize the miracles in our lives.  If you think there aren't any, pray for increased faith and then open your eyes to them. 
       That is about it.  Anyway.   Goodbye for now. 

Name badge in Georgian

Elder Fisher
Outside our Apartment


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