Monday, November 25, 2019

Keep Your Doors Locked Everyone

November 25, 2019


Alrighty, so here is a great story.  So first off, I broke my toe this week. Walking is not easy or pleasant, so moving apartments this week was not easy. Oh, yeah we moved apartments and closed down the Delisi apartment which is good because it is so inconvenient to live to get anywhere from that apartment. Anyway.  We were staying in the Temka apartment and I woke up to Elder Healey climbing over me on the couch to turn the lights on.  Well, why was he doing that, you may ask?  Well, he woke up to a Georgian man standing in the doorway.  As it turns out, our hot-water heater was pouring out water, and it was spilling onto our neighbors' balcony.  Yay!!  What a great thing to wake up to.  

Well, it took a very long time to close down the Sabartalo apartment. There were just so many things to do and so much stuff belonged to the missionaries that we didn't realize. Breaking my toe happened in the middle of all this, so it wasn't super pleasant. Whatever, sure walking is tough, but is it really work complaining about? I've learned about how necessary the big toe is for balance and walking. And I learned how much I balance when riding on the metro. 

We also went to მცხეთა last Monday. It was fun. Very cool legends associated with it. For example, Saint Nino prayed and a pillar floated into place so they could finish building the church. Afterward, some healing oil started oozing from where the pillar was. Now I don't know how much of these legends are legitimately believed, but I do think they are cool history of this great country. 

A view from a church in Mtskheta (მცხეთა). Yes, the rivers are different colors.

A view from Mtskheta on the street -- Sister Reynolds and Elder Fisher

Elder Fisher and Sister Mercer

Missionaries at Mtskheta


So, I don't have a good connective experience with this but it is important. The first Article of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is: "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." Pretty simple. One thing that is fairly unique about The Church in this point of doctrine is that we believe they are all separate beings. We believe that "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us." (Doctrine & Covenants 130:22). From what we can tell, the Orthodox church does not teach this, as they teach the doctrine of the trinity found in the Niccean Creed. Interestingly, many Georgians do not believe what is taught in their church when it comes to the nature of The Godhead. They don't get this belief from anywhere, it just makes sense to them. It makes sense to me too. Not only that but I know it to be true. Again, we teach some bold doctrine in the Church, but I hold it to be true. Millions of others do as well. Read and pray and see for yourself. Well anyway. See you next time.

--უხუცესი ფიშერი 

A few more pictures:

A great meme courtesy of Elder Nilsson.  Georgians love to play chess

My trombone!  What a great find.  It's not very quality, but that's ok. It will do for the next year and a half.

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